Sunday, August 15, 2010

Politicians from both sides of the divide have forgotten all these...

·        Eradicate absolute poverty by the middle of the next parliamentary term;
·        Reduce poverty levels in the next parliamentary term to half the levels of 1999;
·        Improve poverty eradication programmes so that they are free from political interference and truly help the poor;
·        Streamline various existing poverty eradication programmes;
·        Narrow the income and wealth gap without infringing on legitimate rights;
·        Develop special development programmes for the poor and the low income in traditional villages, new villages and estates so that they are brought into the mainstream of development and provided with better income sources, jobs and title to land;
·            Allocate the education budget in a fair and equitable fashion, without neglecting any group;
·            Provide more scholarships and other financial assistance on the basis of need;
·            Fix a reasonable minimum monthly wage for daily paid workers;
·            Fix a reasonable monthly wage for estate workers and seriously implement a housing scheme for estate workers;
·            Fix a minimum pension level that will enable pensioners to sustain themselves;
·            Encourage pensioners who are still able to work to contribute towards national development;
·            Enforce strictly laws regarding the rights, interests and dignity of women and abolish laws and regulations that discriminate against women;
·            Protect the rights and welfare of women who have been abandoned by their husbands without any reasonable support;
·            Continue payments of pensions for widows even after they remarry;

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